
Portfolio blog

This was a great project to end off the semester. I like how It ties together all of the projects we have done into a single piece of work. I was not a great fan of doing blogs over the semester, but now that I have something to look back on and read, it means a lot more. For example, when I read my about me blog for the first time in 3 months I got some sort of sentimental feeling. Lots has changed in three months and I can just tell by the things I wrote about three months ago in my first blog. I think the blogs are extremely important for this class because it is a way to explain into further depth the background thoughts of why the design looks the way it does. The blogs give a way for people who are better writers than graphic designers to further explain their work. This class has not only taught me a lot about AI photoshop and Indesign, but also a lot about myself. I am glad I took this class.   

Business Card

  This business card project was very fun to do. I love the concept of business cards because I am changing my major to business and would love to be a business man myself one day. Seeing my name on a business card looks very cool. I chose the colors red and green due to the fact that its Christmas time so that was my inspiration. Having a website of my own dedicated to my business also sounds very interesting and makes me want to become a business man even more. Overall this project was a fun one to do.


  I really enjoyed working on this project because I have never created a postcard before. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how to create a postcard and creating my own twist to it. The reason I picked a zoo is because i have always loved animals growing up and when I was younger, the monkey was my favorite. Adding my tag brush also felt nice because it added something that made it so it felt like mine, my initial's. I also learned that postcards do not need an envelope to mail which i found very interesting. I may send some postcards out in the future when I travel somewhere special.

ID HW 1 This video did a tutorial on the page tool. I feel like this tool is very simple to use because there are only a few things you can do with it. You can choose the size of the page, which corner you want the reference point to be on, and if the page is vertical or horizontal. I think this tool would be very useful when doing any graphic design project. I did not find much interesting about the video as it was fairly simple and straightforward. This video is a tutorial for the gap tool. This tool seems super simple because all you are doing is manipulating the size of the gap between two things. Those two things could be an object and text, page and text, or page and object. I think this tool could be used very often if not used in every graphic design project because its very useful. You can also change the size of the object when changing the gap distance. I would utilize this tool when creati...

Tag Brush

I chose to utilize my initials to form a simple yet attractive looking logo. The font of the M and the S is appealing to the eye and looks fancy. Especially on the tag brush, it is a mixture of fancy and a new, cool looking splatter effect. I believe this brush would appeal to both the new and older generation cause it demonstrates the best of both worlds. I also chose to take out the box outline for the brush itself because I feel like it was an un-needed add to the logo. I felt as though it dosent fit with the initials and I should have chose a different aspect to add.


  Growing up I was never really taught to chew with my mouth closed, so, as a result of that, I grew up chewing very loudly and obnoxiously. As I got older people began to notice this and call me out on it but i never really thought to change until I started noticing others doing it. I realized how disgusting this was and understood I needed to change how I chew.     From then on every time I ate I had to think to myself every time i took a bite to keep my mouth closed. Especially when I was eating in front of girls I would catch myself chewing with it open and immediately chew with it closed. This took a lot of time and effort because when you grow up doing something so much it becomes a habit, and habits are hard to break. Now that I chew with my mouth closed subconsciously, Anytime I am around someone who chews with it open, I call them out on it because thats what fixed my problem. I believe this propaganda poster, if shown to the public, would fix this problem.

Ps HW 2 In this video it teaches us how to create a double exposure. I think this will be very simple to do because there are not many steps to it. Although simple, I think this tool could be used in many different ways to enhance your creation. One thing I found interesting about the video is that you have to move the layers around instead of clicking a move to back button like in illustrator. I feel that it makes it a little easier though. This tool seems a little bit harder to use than the last one. The wavy effect seems to have a few more steps.   Not only do you need to add the image but you also need to overlay it and also use the brush tool to blend the colors together. You also need to switch the colors up to match the original image. I feel as if you wouldn't use this tool very often just due to the fact that I can't think of many images where I would want a wavy texture. I didn't fin...